The Auto-Trade Assistant (ATA) is an algorithm designed to utilize the “auto-trade” capabilities available on various trading platforms that retail traders use every day. Ease of use coupled with robust performance, provides today’s trader with a powerful execution tool, similar to those available to professional traders at Wall Street’s largest investment banks and hedge funds.
Many traders today struggle to implement trading strategies effectively, as a result of increasing intra-day volatility, dominated by High Frequency Algorithmic Trading. Hesitation in “pulling the trigger” or Impulsive “chasing the trade” because of improperly timed execution of a robust trading strategy can have disastrous results on a trader’s performance.
We have specifically designed the PTG ATA to execute Polaris’ Signature Premium & Discount Trade Setup, a.k.a. CCI X-Over System. Also, built into the algorithm is a Position Sizer, which will properly manage initial trade risk based upon trader’s preset parameters.
Exits are equally important to a trade’s success as its Entry, so scaling out of a winning trade is accomplished at pre-determined levels marked as Risk-Free, T1, T2, T3 which are all based upon R-Values. Reaching the “risk-free” level is critical in mitigating overall trade risk, allowing the trader to focus attention on trade management. i.e. “letting the winners run”. Trade Management features such as Auto-Breakeven and Auto-Trailing Stop will further enhance the trader’s ability to extend winning trades.