Markets In Asia, Japan +0.1%. Hong Kong -0.3%. China flat. India -0.5%. In Europe, at midday, London -0.1%. Paris -0.2%. Frankfurt -0.2%. Futures at 6:20, Dow -0.1%. S&P -0.1%. Nasdaq flat. Crude -0.4% to $56.95. Gold +0.5% to $1281.60. Bitcoin +4.9% to $7,470. Ten-year Treasury Yield flat at 2.31% (Source: Seeking Alpha) Economic … Continue reading
Category Archives: PTG Daily Trade Strategy
Markets In Asia, Japan +1.7%. Hong Kong +1.4%. China +0.8%. India -1.1%. In Europe, at midday, London -0.3%. Paris flat. Frankfurt +0.2%. Futures at 6:20, Dow +0.1%. S&P flat. Nasdaq flat. Crude flat at $57.35. Gold -0.3% to $1277.20. Ten-year Treasury Yield +1 bps to 2.33% (Source: Seeking … Continue reading
Markets In Asia, Japan flat. Hong Kong flat. China +0.5%. India +0.1%. In Europe, at midday, London flat. Paris -0.2%. Frankfurt -0.2%. Futures at 6:20, Dow +0.1%. S&P -0.1%. Nasdaq flat. Crude +0.7% to $56.02. Gold +0.3% to $1272.30. Ten-year Treasury Yield -1 bps to 2.32% (Source: Seeking Alpha) … Continue reading
Markets U.S. job growth likely rebounded sharply in October, with nonfarm payrolls jumping by 310,000 jobs – the largest gain in two years – after hurricanes Harvey and Irma depressed employment in September. That could seal the case for a … Continue reading
Markets In Asia, Japan +0.5%. Hong Kong -0.3%. China -0.4%. India -0.1%. In Europe, at midday, London +0.3%. Paris -0.1%. Frankfurt -0.2%. Futures at 6:20, Dow -0.1%. S&P -0.1%. Nasdaq -0.1%. Crude +0.1% to $54.34. Gold -0.1% to $1276.70. Ten-year Treasury Yield flat at 2.37% (Source: Seeking Alpha) Economic Calendar 7:30 Challenger Job-Cut Report 8:30 Initial … Continue reading
Markets The Fed is expected to keep interest rates unchanged today as speculation swirls on who will be its next leader. With no updated economic projections or a press conference by Janet Yellen, investors will look to any change in … Continue reading
Markets In Asia, Japan flat. Hong Kong -0.3%. China +0.1%. India -0.2%. In Europe, at midday, London +0.1%. Paris +0.1%. Frankfurt +0.1%. Futures at 6:20, Dow +0.2%. S&P +0.2%. Nasdaq +0.3%. Crude -0.2% to $54.05. Gold -0.3% to $1274.10. Ten-year Treasury Yield +1 bps to 2.38% (Source: Seeking Alpha) Economic Calendar FOMC meeting … Continue reading
Markets In Asia, Japan flat. Hong Kong -0.4%. China -0.8%. India +0.3%. In Europe, at midday, London -0.2%. Paris +0.1%. Frankfurt +0.1%. Futures at 6:20, Dow -0.2%. S&P -0.2%. Nasdaq flat. Crude -0.2% to $53.81. Gold +0.1% to $1273.10. Ten-year Treasury Yield -3 bps to 2.4% (Source: Seeking Alpha) Economic Calendar … Continue reading
Markets In Asia, Japan +1.2%. Hong Kong +0.8%. China +0.3%. India flat. In Europe, at midday, London +0.3%. Paris +0.8%. Frankfurt +0.7%. Futures at 6:20, Dow +0.2%. S&P +0.3%. Nasdaq +0.6%. Crude -0.2% to $52.56. Gold -0.1% to $1268. Ten-year Treasury Yield flat at 2.45% (Source: Seeking Alpha) Economic Calendar 8:30 GDP Q3 … Continue reading
Markets In Asia, Japan +0.2%. Hong Kong -0.4%. China +0.3%. India flat. In Europe, at midday, London +0.3%. Paris +0.2%. Frankfurt +0.2%. Futures at 6:20, Dow flat. S&P -0.1%. Nasdaq -0.1%. Crude steady at $52.19. Gold flat at $1279. Ten-year Treasury Yield -1 bps to 2.42% (Source: Seeking … Continue reading