Markets In Asia, Japan +0.5%. Hong Kong -0.8%. China -0.2%. India +0.4%. In Europe, at midday, London -0.2%. Paris +0.1%. Frankfurt +0.3%. Futures at 6:20, Dow flat. S&P flat. Nasdaq flat. Crude +1.1% to $52.72. Gold -0.1% to $1287.10. Ten-year Treasury Yield +3 bps to 2.34% (Source: Seeking Alpha) Economic … Continue reading
Category Archives: PTG Daily Trade Strategy
Markets In Asia, Japan -0.3%. Hong Kong +0.5%. China +0.1%. India -1.4%. In Europe, at midday, London +0.3%. Paris +0.2%. Frankfurt +0.5%. Futures at 6:20, Dow +0.1%. S&P +0.1%. Nasdaq +0.2%. Crude -0.1% to $51.84. Gold -0.7% to $1292.80. Ten-year Treasury Yield +6 bps to 2.29% (Source: Seeking Alpha) Economic Calendar 7:00 MBA Mortgage … Continue reading
Markets In Asia, Japan -0.3%. Hong Kong +0.1%. China +0.1%. India -0.1%. In Europe, at midday, London flat. Paris flat. Frankfurt +0.2%. Futures at 6:20, Dow flat. S&P flat. Nasdaq +0.2%. Crude -0.4% to $52.02. Gold -0.5% to $1305.50. Ten-year Treasury Yield flat at 2.22% (Source: Seeking Alpha) Economic … Continue reading
Markets In Asia, Japan +0.5%. Hong Kong -1.4%. China -0.4%. India -0.9%. In Europe, at midday, London -0.2%. Paris -0.3%. Frankfurt +0.2%. Futures at 6:20, Dow -0.1%. S&P -0.1%. Nasdaq -0.1%. Crude flat at $50.63. Gold +0.1% to $1298.30. Ten-year Treasury Yield -2 bps to 2.23% (Source: Seeking Alpha) Economic Calendar … Continue reading
Markets In Asia, Japan -0.25%. Hong Kong -0.82%. China -0.16%. India -1.38%. In Europe, at midday, London +0.19%. Paris +0.42%. Frankfurt +0.13%. Futures at 6:20, Dow -0.11%. S&P -0.14%. Nasdaq -0.22%. Crude -0.02% to $50.54. Gold +0.40% to $1,300. Ten-year Treasury Yield -3 bps 2.248% (Source: Seeking Alpha) Economic Calendar 6:00 Fed’s Williams Speech 9:45 PMI … Continue reading
Markets The FOMC held the Fed Funds rate steady but still expects to hike one more time between now and year-end. The central bank will also begin to trim back its balance sheet next month with a $10B reduction. Longer … Continue reading
Markets A rate hike is very unlikely at today’s Fed policy meeting, but investors will be looking for hints of a move that could come later this year and the path for further rises in 2018. Janet Yellen will also … Continue reading
Markets The Federal Reserve’s two-day meeting is set to kick off, with officials expected to take further steps to normalize policy and unwind the bank’s $4.5T balance sheet. The yield on U.S. 10-year paper hit a month-high as investors awaited … Continue reading
Markets In Asia, Japan +0.5%. Hong Kong +1.3%. China +0.3%. India +0.5%. In Europe, at midday, London +0.5%. Paris +0.4%. Frankfurt +0.3%. Futures at 6:20, Dow +0.3%. S&P +0.2%. Nasdaq +0.2%. Crude +0.9% to $50.32. Gold -0.5% to $1318.70. Ten-year Treasury Yield flat at 2.2% (Source: Seeking Alpha) Economic Calendar 10:00 NAHB Housing Market Index … Continue reading
Markets In Asia, Japan +0.5%. Hong Kong +0.1%. China -0.5%. India +0.1%. In Europe, at midday, London -1.3%. Paris -0.1%. Frankfurt -0.1%. Futures at 6:20, Dow flat. S&P -0.1%. Nasdaq -0.1%. Crude -0.1% to $49.82. Gold -0.1% to $1327.70. Ten-year Treasury Yield flat at 2.2% (Source: Seeking Alpha) Economic Calendar 8:30 Retail Sales … Continue reading